Corporate Group is a free Joomla 1.6 template by Joomla Shake. This template will give a Corporate look to your business website. As this template has been designed for business websites, it can also support other type of websites and blogs.
Corporate Group has a dark gray top and sidebar and is a two column template with left and centre layout.
To make visible the Top menu style:
1. Go to Joomla Administrator -> Extensions -> Module Manager.
2. Open any existing menu or create a new one and place it into the “user3? position.
Create Vertical Menus:
To make visible the vertical menu style:
1. Go to Joomla Administrator -> Extensions -> Module Manager.
2. Open an existing menu or create a new one and place it into the “right” or “left”position.
3. Open Advanced Parameters and in Module Class Suffix insert “art-vmenu”
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